SAFARI CAMPS for responsible travellers

The preferred booking platform for lodges & campsites managed by AFRICAN PARKS

Travel with purpose, make a difference

Lodges and campsites managed by AFRICAN PARKS that offer:

Tangible, measurable benefits for conservation & communities. 100% of tourism revenue earned by African Parks goes to conservation and local communities

✔️ Vested communities ✔️ Authentic experiences

✔️ Remote locations ✔️ Responsible & sustainable safaris

Ukuri /oo-KOO-ree/ • noun

ukuri means ‘truth’ or ‘authentic’ in the language of Kinyarwanda (spoken across central and east Africa)

WHY we started Ukuri

"We want to encourage Africa's rural people who live among wildlife to realise the value of wilderness. Rural communities will be motivated to conserve wild spaces & creatures if they share in the economic benefits."

Simon Espley - CEO, Africa Geographic & founder, Ukuri

"We are excited to partner with Africa Geographic to help improve the marketing and reservations of our camps in the protected areas we manage. With this partnership, African Parks can increase revenue into the ecosystems and communities where it is most urgently needed."

Dave Wilson, Head of Commercial Development - African Parks

Safari lodges & campsites for responsible travellers

Sustainable travel choices are important to look after Earth's future well-being. This is why Africa Geographic and African Parks have combined resources in Ukuri to offer responsible safari options.

To determine whether your safari is making a difference at ground level in Africa, consider the following two critical questions:

1. Does your safari directly benefit African ecosystems and wildlife?

Most of Africa's iconic wildlife roams vast remote areas beyond the popular safari destinations. All African Parks-managed lodges & campsites are located in these remote areas. African Parks' track record speaks for itself - but none of this would be possible without your visit to these camps.

100% of tourism revenue goes to conservation and local communities

2. Does your safari directly benefit local people living amongst wildlife?

Africa's rural people live amongst the wild animals we all want to see while on safari - and they carry the threats to lives and livelihoods. Without their commitment and support, Africa will surely follow the way of the Western World - the removal of most wildlife and conversion of wilderness into farmland. Local people benefit directly from your visit to African Parks-managed protected areas via a share in park revenues, employment, economic opportunities, education, upskilling, health and human-wildlife conflict prevention and mitigation. Read more here.