Ukuri booking cancellation terms

For members of the public utilising our booking platform


Cancellations and refunds for Ukuri reservations are determined by the cause of the cancellation. If guests cancel or do not take up the booking due to a Major Disruptive Event (see our notes below), they may cancel their reservation and receive a refund, travel credit, and/or other consideration.

If, however, guests cancel or do not take up the booking for any other reason, the following cancellation terms, as enforced by our accommodation providers, will be applied:

More than 45 days prior to arrival date:

25% cancellation fee

30-45 days prior to arrival date:

50% cancellation fee

Less than 30 days prior to arrival date:

100% cancellation fee

No show:

100% cancellation fee


  1. Cancellation refunds will be reduced by fees charged by relevant payment platforms, banks and credit card companies.

  2. Guests are urged to obtain travel insurance to cover themselves for such cancellation fees.

Major Disruptive Events

Major Disruptive Events consist only of the following:
  • Government-declared epidemics, pandemics, and public health emergencies. This does not include diseases that are endemic (for example, the flu) or commonly associated with an area (for example, malaria in Thailand). COVID-19 is not covered under this Major Disruptive Events Policy.

  • Mandatory travel restrictions imposed by a governmental agency, such as an evacuation order. This does not include non-binding travel advisories and similar government guidance.

  • Acts of war, hostilities, invasions, civil war, terrorism, explosions, bombings, rebellions, riots, and insurrection.

  • Natural disasters and other severe weather events. Weather or natural conditions that are common enough to be foreseeable in a given location are excluded unless they result in another Major Disruptive Event, such as a mandatory evacuation order or large-scale outage of essential utilities.

What happens if a reservation is impacted by a Major Disruptive Event?

When a large-scale event occurs, we assess the situation continuously to determine whether it qualifies as a Major Disruptive Event. If it does, we grant the terms as described above for the impacted area and timeframe where we anticipate that the event will prevent or legally prohibit the completion of bookings.

Examples of common events not considered to be Major Disruptive Events (not an exclusive list):
  • Events relating to a guest’s ability or willingness to travel that do not relate to the booking location

  • Government obligations like jury duty or court appearances

  • Non-binding travel advisories or other government guidance that fall short of a travel ban or prohibition

  • Cancellation or rescheduling of an event for which the reservation was made

  • Transportation disruptions unrelated to a Major Disruptive Event, such as airline insolvency, delays in or cancellation of flights, transportation strikes, and road closures due to maintenance

  • Guest injury or illness.